When Vague Goals Work


When I launched my 12-week programme back in October 2017, I had no idea how many people would be interested in it, much less who would decide to register.

So, I set my goal for the first 3 months simply to calibrate how popular it could become, or to discover if I’d made a gigantic misjudgment with the content and pricing.

Because I felt a high uncertainty as to what level of success the programme could achieve, I waited until I’d got some data before I set numerical, measurable goals.

Thankfully (and a special thanks, of course, to all who registered) it proved popular, and only required a couple of small tweaks based on some early feedback.

So, now, I can set my lofty goals for the rest of 2018 and beyond, based on a reasonable expectation of a predictable outcome. .

Learning Point: Don’t beat yourself up with strict goals for something brand-new and untested. Run with it for a bit, and then set your targets from actual experience  


PS – There’s a strict goal for my FREE Facebook Group LIVE Masterclass on the 28th March from 13.00-1600 UK: To create a viable Facebook Group for you, and give you the tools you need to grow it into an organic lead-making machine on an hour a day. REGISTER HERE – and hurry. Places are limited and almost all gone.  

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