Want to run an event this year?

In these strange times, when we’re all so connected-yet-disconnected, the power of a well-run event has never been greater.

You can hold a virtual event, live-streamed across your social media simultaneously. People love to show up in person as an antidote to hiding behind screens, but equally some people love to hide behind screens!

Here are some reasons why you might want to run an event:

  • As a profit centre in itself by charging for entry
  • As a free-to-enter event to introduce people to a paid product or service
  • A hybrid of both

Types of virtual events include:

  • Webinars
  • Seminars
  • Mastermind groups
  • Virtual retreats
  • Conferences
  • Training sessions

We’re running our first event of 2021 on Saturday, and it’s called the Client Attraction Summit. 

Just being there will give you some great insights into how we run events here in JHM, and how you can too.

More importantly, you can discover all the latest strategies, tactics and processes we use to build thriving businesses for all the coaches and therapists we work with.

People just like YOU!

Grab your FREE ticket for the CAS, and don’t miss this unique chance to kick-start your year with a massive unfair advantage over your uninformed competitors…

Love you lots

PS: Here’s that registration link again: 


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