What does freedom really mean?

You may think you live in a free society and, relative to many humans on the planet, you do.

After all, if you’re reading this, you’re probably arsing around online, earning a few quid/bucks/yen here and there.

The average practitioner in our community rejoices every day how there’s nobody standing over them telling them what to do, pissing and moaning about their work, overseeing their every slip and indiscretion.

It feels free, liberating even.

And yet.

Compared to where they could be, the life they could be creating for themselves, they’re not even scratching the surface.

They’re barely bed-bugs in the super-king mattress of success.

Against the giants of our glorious industry, they’re mere pygmies, eking out a meagre existence, worried about paying bills and keeping the leaky roof over their heads.

And they call that freedom!

Here’s a test to check what level of freedom you’ve truly attained:

1: Could you up sticks and go live somewhere else tomorrow? Near or far, the other side of the world, maybe. Being able to travel wherever you want, when you want, is a significant freedom marker.

Location Freedom, in other words.

2: Could you take a month off without it affecting your business? As in, switch off, unplug, disconnect for 30 days straight. What would be left when you returned? Alternatively, could you work two days a week, or an hour a day and sustain a thriving level of income?

Those things are indicators of the level of Time Freedom you’ve created for yourself.

3: Are you surrounded by people who inspire you, respect you and love you? Do you get daily support and empowerment, or conflict and toxic vibes?

We’re talking Emotional Freedom here.

4: How’s your mobility? Can you run, bend and lift as much as you’d like, or are you having to make excuses for not being able to move your body as much as you could when you wore a younger person’s clothes?

This is your Physical Freedom.

5: Finally, and this is the biggie…what’s the most expensive thing you could buy right now without thinking about it? Without affecting your future security, prosperity and mental health, what’s the most you could spend on something today?

Closely linked to how quickly you could replace the money you just spent, it’s a good measure of your current level of Financial Freedom.

Do you know what’s really interesting?

Pretty much all of that stuff is in your direct control.

Yeah sure, there are incidents, accidents, bad actors and other malevolent forces that can bring your house of cards crashing down, but they’re the exception.

More often, your lack of freedom is self-created.

You’re trapped in a prison of your own making.

If you’re not genuinely doing what you want, where you want, when you want, with the people you want each and every day of your life, do something about it.

The future is yours to change.

Love you lots

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