What is an ICA?

We’ve had an influx of fab new members in JHM this month, and there’s one question they’ve asked numerous times already. 

“What is an ICA?”

Here are the real questions – and answers – behind those 3 words and an acronym:

Q: What does ICA stand for?
A: Ideal Client Avatar. Sometimes called the Client Niche.

Q: How do I know they’re ideal?
A: They get a massive benefit from working with you, they can afford to pay you, and you can easily find more people just like them.

Q: Why do I need an ICA?
A: As an online expert, if you try and appeal to everyone, you’ll appeal to no-one.

Q: Does having an ICA make marketing any easier?
A: Yes, because you can write, speak and show up every day, in every way, to attract them and repel everyone else.

Q: Can I charge more to my ICAs?
A: You can charge what you want, but specialists always earn more than generalists.

Q: Why will my ICAs join my community?
A: They’ll see themselves in your messaging, and see other people just like them already around you.

Q: Can I change my ICA if it’s not working?
A: Your business is your game, your rules. You can change anything you want, anytime.

Q: What about all the other people I don’t help?
A: You can help anyone you like, at your choice. Your ICAs are simply the ones you attract, in numbers.


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