What would 10 times your life be like?

Recently, in the JHM Private Members Club, we got to talking about the most we’d ever charged for a programme. 

What if, suggested our Mind Fixer Steve Blampied, we created a product that cost 10 times what we’d ever charged before, and posted it on our website and social media?

What would have to be in it, and how much would that cost?

Some answers from the Club Members:

“My programme would cost £50k, and it already feels like something I’ve always offered!” 
“Mine would cost £100k and involves 6 months consulting with a series of products built for them. Not as scary as I though it would be!”
“£30k and I would write a book with them, and publish it. That seems quite do-able!”

There were many more, but here’s the takeaway:

Nobody who did the exercise felt intimidated by the pricing, or at the prospect of promoting it.

Which begs the question:

What’s stopping you going 10x , right now? 



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