Where Could You Be?

I did an inspirational interview yesterday with Jo Self, international strengths coach and global traveller.

She reminded me of one of the Three Great Freedoms which a life as a successful coach, trainer, therapist or consultant can bring – LOCATION freedom*.

Jo’s running her coaching practice from Lima, Peru and has clients in the US, UK, Australia and all around Europe. By structuring her business for maximum flexibility, she’s realised that she doesn’t actually have to be ANYWHERE in particular. Just somewhere will do.

Working like this, using video smiles instead of sweaty handshakes, doesn’t mean you have to be a backpacking digital nomad – although you COULD be.

It just means you choose where you live, eat and sleep at any point in time.

Where would you be if you could work from anywhere in the world?  


PS – *The other two Great Freedoms are TIME freedom and FINANCIAL freedom.
PPS – One of the things that’ll move you towards location freedom is an automated marketing machine. I’m running a 3-hour intensive to help you create just that on Jan 18th from 10am-1pm UK time. Hit REPLY and type Jan 18, then hit SEND and I’ll fire you the lowdown. Numbers limited to 10, and we’ve got 4 already. 

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