Who actually made you?

I saw a profile of a local guy who described himself as a “self-made millionaire”.

Whilst I understand the term, that can’t be literally true.

In the same way a beautiful car doesn’t just make “itself”, everyone of us is the product of every experience, every conversation and every person we’ve ever been exposed to.

Pretty much the only way to get your life to a new place is to find people who are already in that place and rub shoulders with them, long and hard.

With their hard work, inspiration and guidance, you’ll be self-made before you know it.


PS – If you’re reading this early on Saturday morning, there’s still chance to score a virtual ticket to spy on goings-on at The Inner Circle Live event in Mayfair today. We can even feature you on the big screen for everyone else in the room to talk to.  Sheer witchcraft, I’m sure you’ll agree, and only available here.  

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