Why Doing Nothing Is Good For you

Doing Nothing

Today’s been a relatively slow day for me.

I had a bunch of brilliant conversations with members in my Group, and a short podcast interview with some crazy Americans.

After my manic yesterday, I needed to wind down a bit.

And don’t ever feel guilty about doing the same. Nobody can operate at full pelt day-after-day.

Anyway, it’s impossible to literally do NOTHING – as long as you’re breathing, you’re doing SOMETHING, right? – and you’ll be surprised just how much you get done when you slow to a crawl.

Looking around my desk this evening, I realise I’ve made copious notes, had at least three brain-dumps, and come up with two really cracking ideas that I’m going to fire into action next week.

And all that because I was too tired to do anything much at all. 


PS – Achieving MORE with less EFFORT is the main reason for building a thriving Facebook Group like Jonny Hates Marketing. On my FREE Facebook Groups Masterclass, I’m going to show YOU how to do the same, LIVE on Zoom in a couple of weeks. Check it out, and register if you fancy earning money without trying too hard.  

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