Why I love your brand

Well, maybe I love your brand.

Maybe I don’t.

Maybe I don’t have a clue what your brand even is.

Here’s what you should know about your brand, and what it really means.

  • You already have a brand, whether you’re managing it or not
  • Your brand defines the thoughts and feelings people have about you, and how they behave towards you
  • Understanding what your ideal client really needs and wants can help you to create your brand
  • Authenticity and empathy will support your brand strategy and keep you on the right track
  • ONE clear, coherent brand is all you need. Dump the “extra” websites, names and confusion
  • All content comes from your brand story – how your client’s problem can be solved by your solution

Based on those 6 points, scoring from 0-10 on each one, how do you rate yourself out of a maximum score of 60?

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