Why you get paid peanuts

Peanut butter

My wife put a jar of peanut butter back on the shelf in a Spanish supermarket today. It was 2.19 Euros, and she pays 89 pence for the same thing back home.

Of course, we could have bought it without breaking the bank, but it just seemed like we shouldn’t.

Ever had a client say, “I can’t afford it”?

Nearly always, that’s not what they mean.

They mean something altogether more upsetting – for you:

“You haven’t convinced me your offering is worth the price you’re asking. I can afford it, I just don’t want to.”

Here’s all you need to avoid being slapped down with that:

  • A unique transformational benefit
  • An ideal client who wants that
  • A compelling reason for them to buy, now

With those things in place, price is nearly always no object.

Unlike a jar-full of crushed nuts, when it always is.


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