Why you’ll never fail

Author James Clear hits the spot when he writes:

“You’re not failing. You’re just in the middle of succeeding.”

Another of my favourite quotes, this time from Robin Sharma:

“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and beautiful at the end.”

Marketing your 21st century online coaching or therapy business isn’t meant to be easy.

It can’t be easy.

If it were easy, one or all of three things would be happening:

1: Everybody would be doing it, so nobody would care
2: Your work would be indistinguishable from the average
3: There’d be a price race to the bottom, so you’d be broke forever

As you rampage into the second half of this fabulous year, be grateful for one thing:

This s**t is hard.

Hard enough to keep away the jokers and give you space to shine. 

Love you lots

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