Will robots take your job?

I remember writing an essay at school entitled “What would Leonardo da Vinci make of motor cars?”, to highlight the progress humans had made in the half-millennium since his death.

I’ve been playing with two recent inventions that made me ask, “what would my dad make of these?” He died only LAST YEAR, yet this stuff wasn’t even available to him back in “those” days.

Messenger bots and Flash Briefings are what I’m talking about, both amazing new tech and driven by artificial intelligence.


Someone posted (again!) today about the rise of the robots that are going to overrun mankind, and it reminded me of the Victorians who believed going fast on a train would kill you.

Robots, AI and digital tech are not:

  • Taking our jobs
  • Plotting against us
  • Killing the art of conversation

They ARE:

  • Making life easier
  • Doing work you don’t have to
  • Letting you create, thrive and shine

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 


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