Writing Week: Day SEVEN

A coach writing great content = A “Contented” Coach.

Same applies to you if you’re a therapist, but “The Contented Therapist” don’t alliterate so well, right?

Anyway, I’m in a proper mood to roll out some genius-level wordsmithery hacks ahead of my Persuasive Writing Masterclass at 17.00 UK Monday (Today, if you’re reading this on Monday 30th Oct).

So, here’s a brief checklist of must-do content-writing gubbins that are as essential as counting ballot papers using sequential numbers:

  • Treat your reader’s time as more important than yours. Spending 2 hours drafting a 1-minute read is just fine, Hemingway.
  • Write like you’re having a bar-room chat with a mate, 1-2-1. Just don’t drink too much, or it won’t read as well as it looks to you.
  • Use words and phrases your ICA recognises and uses about themselves, avoiding jargon like a vegan avoiding a 32oz mixed grill.
  • Regularly poll your ICAs about what’s bugging and exciting them. Their ideas beat your ideas like Depp beat Heard. Allegedly.
  • Use corretc grammar; punctunctaction and, speeling. See how that made me look like my gene-pool had too much chlorine in it?
  • Create more memorable headlines than a corduroy pillowcase. If you can’t stop ’em scrolling, they ain’t reading and you ain’t earning.
  • For SM posts, study WHEN your ICAs are active and likely to read your wisdom. Shouting in the well is, well, gonna make you unwell.

Want some more of this homespun yet unarguable shizzle?

You’ll be needing to register for my Monday Masterclass, today at 17.00 UK. 

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