You can’t make big money, because…

In our business, it’s an eternal truth that your average earnings are proportional to the average earnings of your clients. And the most likely thing holding you back from your full potential is attracting too many people who can’t afford to pay you very much at all.

Doing that for work, is like a dog barking in the wrong forest, never mind up the wrong tree.

I regularly mix with a bunch of interesting and wealthy folks who like to zoom around racetracks.

They roll up with their snazzy sportscars – some worth over £250,000 – and thrash them round a circuit. To a man and woman, they are business owners.

Business owners with spare cash, clearly. And many suffering with stuff YOU could help them overcome.

According to Mindvalley, coaches and consultants working with business owners earn twice as much as coaches working with the rest of the world, on average.

[2.83 times, to be precise, but I always round down to be on the safe side.]

And if that’s true, it’s easy to see why business owners will pay you well for sage advice:

  •  They lose money when things go wrong
  •  They make more money when things go right
  •  They may struggle to find a work-life balance
  •  Their insecurities are magnified as their business grows
  •  Imposter syndrome and anxiety can have huge effects on their output

The other cool thing about business owners?

They’re in it to win – no neg-heads or slackers there.

So, they’re probably fun to work with, as well as lucrative.

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