You got this wrong, and it’s alright

Can you remember the first time you rode a bike? Did you pull a wheelie? Did you do back-flip over the gate, before drifting stylishly to a halt at your parents’ feet? 

Or did you wobble and totter, discovering how hard the ground feels when you hit it at 7mph with 15 pounds of metal and rubber on top of you? 

How about the first time you wrote a post on social media? Was it perfectly-paced prose, lighting up the newsfeed like a beacon of wisdom, insight and engagement?

Or was it a bit rubbish, mercifully ignored by most people?

Now think back to the first sales call you had, the first client you ever offered advice to, or the first live video you put out.

None of those early attempts were anything like as good as your current practice, yet you did them anyway. More importantly, you had to do them badly to get where you are today.

So for your next big idea, try this:

Do it fast. Do it wrong, so you can get better.




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