You’ll want to read this!

If you think you can woo your ideal client with a few sharply worded emails, think again.

Here is a selection of the stuff in my inbox, right now:

  1. Monthly “newsletters” full of the sender’s achievements
  2. Spam sales messages from companies I’ve never heard of
  3. “Buy now or else” special offers on stuff I don’t need or want
  4. Marketing ploys from people I’d forgotten I’d subscribed to, or why
  5. Useful information, discussions or questions from people I know, like and trust

Only that last kind is actually welcome, enjoyable and impactful.

The rest are just life-sapping digital noise.

Before you press “send” on your next email, think about how it’ll be received.

If it’s not a “Category 5”, you might just be wasting everyone’s time.


PS: We enjoyed a fabulous session today in the Academy with elite copywriter John Holt, who showed us some ideas for writing brilliant headlines and getting people to take action on your content. Click here to get access to the recording. 

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