Your 2023 Horoscope

Either, next year will be pretty much the same as this year, if you keep bumblin’ along, doing the same stuff you did, making the same mistakes you did, and selling the same services you did.


It could be exponentially better, and here’s how:

  • You finally get your group programme together, and start leveraging your time
  • You crack the code of starting conversations with people who look like your next ideal client
  • You realise there should be no former clients, and engage everyone long-term

That stuff’s not simple, particularly if you’re not doing it already.

But, it’s not so hard that you can’t learn it, implement it and start earning from it in the first few months of 2023. 

I want you to have the chance to do exactly that, which is why I’ve opened two ways for you to work with JHM starting today:

  1. The FAST-TRACK : Otherwise known as the Client Attraction Academy, it’s the awesome members-only community, with weekly LIVE Secret Sessions and access to our ever-growing content and training vault. The CAA is your low-cost route to a whole world of support, knowledge and impact.
  2. The HYPERFAST-TRACK: AKA the Client Attraction Blueprint, this is the acclaimed 12-week, small-group, hands-on guided coaching package with loads of personal attention. It’ll get your group programme built in a matter of weeks. Over 330 coaches, trainers and therapists just like you have launched or grown their thriving practices from the CAB since 2018.

I’m not going to make up any artificial deadlines for you to join the JHM world and start to turn your expertise into an ACTUAL business.

There’s no need for me to make up a deadline, because the deadline is real.

It’s 2023 next week.

If you don’t make a change right NOW, when are you going to?

You won’t get another chance to make 2023 better than 2022.

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