[Possibly my most important post of the year]
You know how you’re planning all kinds of cool stuff for next year?
And you know how you’ve decided it’s going to grow your business and create more success than ever, next year?
I’m going to dare you…
🤯 Run that workshop before Christmas
🤯 Launch that course by the end of the week
🤯 DM that person on your list right now, this evening
🤯 Get back to that guy who you’re waiting on a reply from
🤯 Announce your 2025 retreat tomorrow, and take deposits
🤯 Finish your book THIS WEEK, and publish it to KDP in time for Xmas
I got invited to the University of Gibraltar last week to discuss how I could create a post-grad course to help students consider a career as an entrepreneur in their own business, rather than soulless job-seeking for years.
They said, hey, no rush. Let’s work on it after Xmas.
Nah, said I.
It’s taken me three days to imagine it, build it and get it out to them for appraisal. Planning stuff for action down the line leaves you open to forgetting about it, losing enthusiasm, or inventing something else “more important”.
When you bring anything into your Circle Of Now, it gets done, now.
It might not be perfect, but it’s better than sometime never.
Love you lots