Your pricing for 2023

Years back, one of my coaches opened my eyes to the concept of proximity pricing.

This simply states that “The closer your client gets to you, the more they pay”.

Music and sporting venues have understood the concept of VIP areas at events for decades, right?

A simple idea, yes, but one lost on many coaches and therapists for whom the default standard offering is a “One-to-One” session.

The trouble with 1:2:1 is that you’ll run out of time before you run out of ambition.

Think instead about a three-layer product pyramid:

  • BOTTOM: A low-cost ($10-$100pm) membership – [NOT a one-off course!] – where people subscribe forever in return for “forever” value. A print newsletter or a weekly coaching call both work well.
  • MIDDLE: A mid-price ($1,000-$5,000) group programme, where people get access to you simultaneously with others, maximising the impact value for them, and you.
  • TOP: The exclusive 1:2:1 programme ($5,000-$10,000+), perhaps based on your group programme, but delivered directly by you, to a client who can truly afford you alone.

Start getting this built-in to your business today, with proximity pricing at the heart of your strategy.

Your mythical six-figure practice can emerge this year, and needs only a handful of new clients each month.

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