Your skills gap

Do you feel there’s a shortfall in your knowledge, abilities and experience, compared to where you’d like to be right now?

You might call it a skills gap.

I call it a misunderstanding.

As Mark Kaye and I discussed in our live interview yesterday, you only need to be a little bit ahead of your clients to have an impact on them.

In fact, here’s why it’s probably better that way:

  • None of us like to be befuddled by experts who appear waaay out of our league, do we?
  • Ever sat behind a programmer, when he’s flying through lines of code on a screen that you can’t even focus on?
  • It’s much more fun to learn a few tricks from a friend who’s got a little dexterity with cards than watch a dazzling street magician.

No, your skills gap is just fake news you’re telling yourself.

Show your clients how you can walk them to the next step, and they’ll love (and pay!) you forever. 


PS – If you’re ready to take your next step, let me show you how to build a thriving practice without paid advertising. There are two places open for the final Client Attraction Blueprint programme this spring.
Check it out here, and it you fancy it, book a call.  

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