On the Thank Flip It’s Friday™ LIVE training yesterday, we talked about three ways to create freedom through working less and earning more.
If you missed it, here’s the recording.
If you don’t have time to watch the video, then you probably need to watch the video, because it’s all about making time for important stuff…
Anyway, here are the three ways to work less and earn more:
1: Just do one thing – one social media account, one website, one ICA, one offer. You get the idea…
2: Work with fewer clients, but at a higher cost. You’ll need to watch the vid for full details on how to do this.
3: Make a Freedom Plan instead of a business plan. Base your life around family, adventures and vacations, then fit work in around those.
Tons more interactions and insights on the video, so brew some coffee, stick the ‘phones in and go watch.
Love you lots