3 Simple Words


It’s official. On the first morning of what we’ve named 2018, I am location-free!

I’m writing this from Los Gigantes on the beautiful island of Tenerife, and it feels good. Better than good, it’s great. I’ve just eaten a fabulous fruit-based breakfast on the terrace overlooking the ocean, and I’ll be getting to work for a couple of hours this morning, and every morning for the next two weeks.

I was determined to start the year somewhere warm and just not, well, home.

As I’ve said many times, one of the benefits of a modern coaching practice is that you can run it from anywhere in the world. So long as you’re somewhere, right?

I’ll check in and keep you updated about how it’s all working out – internet might be flaky when it comes to videos, although it’s looking good so far.

Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with those three simple words that express what we should all be feeling today:



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