£349 for your help today

You probably heard that the Jonny Hates Selling book is launching today.

It’s packed with hints, tips and actionable strategies designed to help you create paying clients for your high-ticket services, and build a thriving business for yourself.

You also might have caught wind of the goodies that go along with a simple purchase of the book for a paltry 99p on Amazon.

Here’s a reminder:

DEAL ONE: If you buy the Kindle edition @99p between 11am and 3pm UK today, Monday 21st June, you also get a bundle of my most powerful PDF cheat sheets which have made over 7 figures in revenue over the last 4 years. These were previously sold for £200 as part of an event subscription.

DEAL TWO: If you buy the paperback edition @£6.49 (half-price) between 11am and 3pm UK today, Monday 21st June, you’ll get the PDF bundle worth £200 PLUS you’ll score a complimentary 20-minute LIVE social media audit with me, worth £149!

Here’s the link to spend ninety-nine pennies and get a 20,000% return. 


And if you’re in the US, it’s:


Let me know by email or Messenger once you’ve purchased, and I’ll arrange your goodies forthwith.

We’re going to achieve #1 bestseller status for the book, with your help.

So giving back a little of that goodwill in return is the least I can do, right!?

Love you lots

PS: All the proceeds from the first week’s sales go to my dear old mum’s favourite charity, Cancer Research UK. Feel free to share the links with your friends and colleagues. Every little helps. 

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