4 things to start doing right now

How would you like a roadmap for a happier, more complete life? 

In Don Miguel Ruiz’s small but brilliant book called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom”, the author provides just that, in four easy steps:

1: Be impeccable with your word – No gossiping, lying or being rude to people

2: Don’t take things personally – Criticism is more about the other person than it is about you

3: Don’t make assumptions – Ask further questions before deciding on what to do

4: Always do your best – Perfection is unattainable, so settle for decisive action

That stuff seems so obvious that it’s worth adding a number 5:

“Don’t ignore simple, common-sense truths. They’re often the most powerful and easy to apply”


PS: Fancy a FREE one-day pass to the Client Attraction Academy Secret Session, LIVE today at 14.00 UK? I’ll be showing you the THREE SIMPLE things you must do every day to avoid burnout, overwhelm and poverty. Reply with CAASS and I’ll sneak you in…

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