A New Era For You?


It’s so much more than a new banner, of course.

It’s the start of a new era in JHM.

Lisa Crofton’s bringing her decades of experience in coaching, business and life to a whole new level of involvement in your glorious community.


  • Lisa will be sharing her wisdom, ideas and support much more widely and regularly for you, so you can get actual empathy rather than just the brutal truths you get from me
  • She’s the Ding to my Dong, the Ping to my Pong and the Ying to my Yang. Whatever that means, I have no idea, but even saying it makes me appear slightly more woo-woo than I really am
  • Lisa and I will be shortly appointing our first two Client Attraction Blueprint trainers. If you’ve been through the programme already, you’ll be eligible to apply to be a certified CAB trainer to others

For today though, have a great weekend and soak up the magnificence of Simon Clements’ latest banner masterpiece.

Love you lots
Jonny and Lisa

PS: If you’re one of the CAB alumni and would like to be considered for a role training other coaches and therapists in the programme, reply with “Training” and we’ll get you some information. 

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