If you’re reading this in the first decades of the 21st century, you’re probably spending much of your day looking at screens.
15 things you could do instead…
- Interact with the people around you.
- Phone a relative.
- Plot your escape from a life situation that you hate being in.
- Draw, paint or doodle.
- Start that thing you’ve been putting off.
- Absolutely nothing.
- Catch up with an old friend.
- Revitalise that old hobby you loved doing.
- Learn something.
- Contribute time to a cause.
- Look around you and realise how lucky you are.
- Look around you and fix the most annoying thing.
- Breathe. Really breathe.
- Write a page of your book.
- Do something that makes your life or business 1{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} better.
Author: Stuart Carter https://www.stuartcarter.co.uk/put-social-media-down/