The question is: when is it ok to tell a pretty lie rather than the ugly truth?
Here are some questions that some might say, COULD justify a pretty lie:
- How was dinner?
- Do you like my new car?
- Does this aftershave/perfume smell nice?
- Do you mind if I miss our meeting today?
- Can we just agree to disagree?
And here are some others where even a hideous truth might be the right option:
- What do you think to my book draft?
- Will you share this post to raise awareness for (Insert good cause here)?
- Am I on the right track with this business idea?
- If I keep doing this, do you think it will work?
- Can we just agree to disagree?
In a world where a little kindness goes a long way, both approaches might be used for all the right reasons.
What do you think? Tell me the truth, no matter how ugly!