Do you understand your brand?

It’s easy to misunderstand what your personal brand really means.

🧐 It’s not your logo
🧐 It’s not your name
🧐 It’s not your qualifications
🧐 It’s not your colour scheme
🧐 It’s definitely not your limited company name (yuk)

Some of those things might contribute to supporting your brand, but here’s what your brand actually is:

What people think and feel when they see and hear you.

So it’d be good if this was how they reacted:

💚 I like this person
💚 I trust this person
💚 This person gets me
💚 This person can help me
💚 I want to contact them and find out how

Any other reactions are a sign of a mismanaged or unmanaged brand.

And there’s the biggest misunderstanding of all – believing you don’t have a brand.

People are bound to feel something when they see or hear you, right?

So you DO have a brand. We all do.

It’s up to you how – or even whether – you manage it.

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