Guaranteed Moneymaker – PT 2

Remember last week when I gave you the first half of a strategy guaranteed to make you money anytime soon?

It went like this:

👉 Put together a free 90-minute workshop for your ideal clients, no more than 7 days away, where they can discover the solution to a single problem that’s bugging them.
👉 Title it “3 Ways To Banish xxxxx Forever” and post tomorrow morning saying you’re thinking of putting it together, asking them to type “3 Ways” if they’d be interested in attending.
👉 Wait till you get a bunch of comments, then set the date, time and agenda for a private Zoom meeting, and get them all to register.
👉 If you also set it up as an FB event, you can invite anyone you like who’s in your Friends List.
👉 Get it rolling, and see how many you can register in the next couple of days.

And do you remember how I said I’d give you the rest of the strategy once you’d done that?

Well, here are the 3 remaining steps:

1: Pack the Zoom workshop with value, so they get a real appreciation of you as an expert, and for what it might be like to work with you.
2: In the final ten minutes of the workshop, offer a 15-minute audit/strategy call to help them personally implement some of the ideas from your workshop. Drop your calendar scheduling link in the Zoom chat and make it clear the link will disappear at the end of the workshop.
3: On those calls, generate curiosity and where appropriate book a second, longer call to get to grips with their challenge and explain how could maybe help with your programme.

RESULT: You turn a pop-up workshop into paying clients within 14 days from idea to revenue.

🥳 The last time we did this in JHM, one single FB Groups Mini-Workshop generated over £30k in new business.
🥳 One of our team ran a simple workshop last week which has created 17 strategy calls so far.

This method is one of the simplest, shortest routes to enrolling your next batch of paying clients, and it works every time you execute it with commitment and passion.

Love you lots

PS: Just thinking out loud – if we do a class all about setting up your own pop-up workshop like this, would you come along? 😎

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