Here’s The Deal!

Everybody loves a deal, right?

Here’s some that’ve drawn me in over the last week:

  • Buy One Get One For a Penny on supplements
  • Coconut milk £1 a litre in Sainsbury’s
  • 30{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} off a drone on Amazon
  • Early-bird discount on a seminar
  • Exchanging a completed loyalty card for a free coffee

What did all those have in common?

Easy, they were things I already wanted, and the deals just pushed me over the edge.

Some of them were just enough to persuade me to buy THAT product from THAT supplier RIGHT NOW, rather than procrastinating or buying from a competitor.

And that’s how you should use offers, deals and incentives – You’re not going to get a cold prospect who’s never heard of you dashing into your arms to save a few quid, but it can help to turn a warm prospect into a right-now-buyer.

As you’ve all heard of ME, I know you’ll be interested and maybe even excited by my deal for YOU:

The doors opened officially today on my new 90-day small-group programme, The Success Project LIVE 2018 starting later this month.

>>Full details of TSP LIVE 2018 here<<

It’ll give you lots of live facetime with me, on your way to doubling your income for 2018 and embedding the principles of Effortless Marketing, so life’s easier and more profitable forevermore.

If you’re a coach, therapist or trainer and want to find more ideal clients, more easily, enrollment is set at only £1297 for the full 12-weeks of inspiration, secrets and strategies.

So, here’s the deal, as you’re already a member of The Success Party:

  1. £1297 doesn’t apply to you. Save £350 if you enroll before November 22nd, and pay only £947
  2. Alternatively or additionally, if you mention another person to me who then enrolls, I’ll pay YOU £250 and they’ll pay only £1197
  3. Even better, if you’re an influencer who can bring along 2 or more other people, let’s talk about sneaking you in the back door. 

All offers open for 7 days, expiring next Wednesday the 22nd November, my birthday.

>>Grab The Success Project LIVE 2018 12-week syllabus, and tell me how you’d like to benefit<<

I knew you’d love a deal. 

Let’s Get On With It!

PS – Programme limited to 8 committed and motivated professionals

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