How powerful are you?

Super-coach Rich Litvin teaches the 4 keys to creating high-performing, high-ticket coaching clients:

  1. Powerful people – surround yourself with your peers and superiors, not those further behind than you
  2. Powerful language – what you say, you become. Talk like a leader, and your clients will see you as one
  3. Powerful stories – develop accounts of your journey, so they’re a compelling and convincing narrative
  4. Powerful coaching – develop world-class skills to attract world-class clients. Always be learning and improving

As if that isn’t enough to take on, you really need to be more than just the best at your job.

If you’re going to grow and thrive, you need to be the best marketed too.

I’m taking on just FOUR new students in my Client Attraction Blueprint Programme for January, and you can only get a chance to join us by personal invitation.

To have an informal chat about whether you’re ready to join the 64th CONSECUTIVE intake of our flagship guided marketing programme for coaches, click HERE to book a time-slot.

You’ll only become the best marketed by working with people who are already doing it.

Let’s talk this week, and we’ll see if we can get you rolling. 


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