I had a conversation with an ambitious but struggling-financially therapist recently, who told me he was already working with a coach, so didn’t need me.
I can handle rejection. No, really I can.
But I was intrigued, so I asked “what are they coaching you ON?”
“Helping me get my head straight” was the mildly surprising answer.
See, I look at things a bit more pragmatically than most.
The easiest way to get your head straight is to start earning some money from your expertise.
- Define your superpower, and learn to write irresistibly about it
- Work out who you’d really like to work with, right now. That’s your “ideal” client.
- Create a simple, evergreen programme that speaks to your ideal client’s deepest challenges
- Have a conversation about it every day with someone who looks like an ideal client
- Rinse, repeat and optimise the above
I’ve been doing all that for a couple of years now, and my head’s really “straight”.
How about you?
PS – Here’s a proper head-straightener…my Alexa Flash Briefings are soaring up the rankings, and they’re FREE – every day! Your what, Jonny? These…if you’re in the UK, or these, if you’re in the USA.