How to learn anything at all

Close your eyes and imagine you wanted to accomplish any of the following: 

  • Learn to play the piano
  • Win motor races
  • Recover from bankruptcy
  • Build a thriving coaching business
  • Write a bestselling book

What would be the best way to improve the odds of success?

The answer’s the same in all cases:

Get someone who’s done it before to guide you. 

How do I know that’s the best way?

Because in my life so far, I have done all those things with the help of people who already knew how to do them.

Could I have done any of them by myself?

Maybe, but it’d have been dammed expensive – especially the one with cars in it.

2.5 years ago, my team of experts and I launched the Jonny Hates Marketing book on Amazon.

Within the first 8 hours of sales we made #1 bestseller status in both the Coaching & Mentoring and Marketing & Sales categories.

Whatever you’re doing, work with the people who wrote the book on it.


PS – You know I wrote The Book on client attraction. Let me help you write your glorious future as a thriving coach. Click here to find out how.

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