How to think less

It’s easy to fall into a habit of overthinking.

Of planning, preparing, dreaming and reciting ideas.

When I launched the Daily Brain Tattoos in March 2017, I made a simple commitment to you that I’d write something, every day.

More importantly, I committed myself to doing it, every day. The clue’s in the name – “Daily”, right?

Since then, I’ve written hundreds of DBTs, and haven’t spent another moment working on the IDEA.

Here are just some of the wonderful things that’ve sprung from that one, singular commitment:

  • Hundreds of people are reading this, right now. Most importantly, YOU are!
  • I’ve collated some of the DBTs into my first book, which is available now here
  • I record audio readings of the DBTs, 30 at a time, once a month for my Alexa Flash Briefings
  • I have daily material for social media posts
  • People are contacting me every day from the topics they’ve read or heard, asking to work with me.

15 months in, I’ve not spent another minute thinking about what to do next.

I just do it, and that’s great value from one single idea, isn’t it?


PS – >> That link to the Jonny Hates Marketing book again <<

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