Have I Gone Mad?

One of the most thrilling things an entrepreneur can do is to try something for the hell of it…something we have no idea whether it will work or not.

This is one of those things.

Before I tell you what it is, let me remind you that we have two levels of paid membership here at The Success Party.

  1. The Recurring Revenue Academy, which gives you open access to me and all the TSP Masterminds by email and messenger. This has the ridiculously low membership subscription of £27 a month.
  2. The Recurring Revenue Inner Circle, which is only open for entrepreneurs who are ready to work closely with us to hand-craft their recurring revenue business.

The Inner Circle provides its members with an astonishing level of support, including:

  • A Personal Recurring Revenue Strategy Plan at outset, completely custom and unique to your business
  • Two face-to-face or video-to-video strategy sessions every single month with me.
  • Email and messenger access to me and the other TSP Masterminds
  • Unlimited reviews of your marketing and business plans
  • Discounts on retreats, events and VIP meetups

For those ready to launch their exponential future with us alongside, it’s an investment of £497 each month.

So, here’s the mad leap into the unknown:

Until midnight on the 31st July, I’m going to let you apply to join The Recurring Revenue Inner Circle for 30 days entirely at my expense.

You’ll get your comprehensive Recurring Revenue Success Plan, personalised for your business, and two live strategy sessions with me.


After 30 days, you’re free to continue your Inner Circle Membership.

Or you’re free to go.


And, you can keep your customised Personal Recurring Revenue Success Plan either way.

Like I said, I don’t know if it’ll work. We might end up doing loads of work for nothing.

But, we won’t know ’till we’ve tried it, and I love a challenge.

Apply here today to join the Recurring Revenue Inner Circle for 30 days at my expense.


PS – Don’t wait till the last minute, as I won’t be taking on more than five of you on this free deal. That’s as far as my nerves will stretch…

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