Is this the end?


We focus on the thing that happened just before the end. And that’s almost always an unimportant moment.

~ Seth Godin

And in your sales process, this means that you rarely blow it by not being a good “closer” – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

When your prospect doesn’t turn into a client it’s way more likely to be because…

🤔 They’re not your ICA
🤔 You appeared less than confident
🤔 They haven’t seen you much before
🤔 They didn’t believe it’ll work for them
🤔 You didn’t ask them the right questions

Forget hard-selling.

Everything that came before has already made up their mind.

Love you lots

PS: Did you grab your free ticket for the Write-Your-Book-And-Make-It-A-Bestseller-Masterclass (WYBAMIABM) this Friday the 9th July at 15.00 UK? Click here to register forthwith.

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