If your marketing isn’t working as well as you would like it to there may be one simple reason…It’s all about you!
Ah, you say, “But I have refined the message about my business and we are very clear on how we share our service with our clients clearly, in a compelling way.”
And therein lies the problem.
Every single piece of marketing should be about your clients, their story and their journey.
Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself as you review your marketing:
- Where are my prospects right now?
- Where do they want to be?
- What are the hurdles they will need to overcome to get there?
- How can I add value to that journey?
- How can I add trust and credibility so they will choose me to work alongside them?
Answer these questions in your marketing messages and prospects will self-select, put up their hand and say ‘yes’, I want to work with you.
Author: JIll Chitty | This is for YOU!