Let’s Put A Stop To This

Yes, let’s stop flailing around in the dark trying to find your ideal clients, shall we?

Remember last week I said I was planning a workshop called “Why Everything You Think You Know About Your Ideal Client Avatar is Wrong And How To Put It Right”?

Well, the planning is over.

It’s time to do it.

The full acronym is WEYTYKAYICAIWAHTPIR, but that’s hardly catchy, so let’s just call it WEYTYK.

I kinda like that.


Anyway, it’s happening on Monday 24th August at 15.00 UK, meaning it’s accessible from all over the world apart from by certain barmy Aussies who sleep at silly times of the global day.


  • The importance of having an ICA
  • How easy it is to choose one
  • Where to find your ICA in numbers
  • How to get paid by them, forever
  • How to be seen as THE dominant authority for your ICA

…and much more.

It’s a workshop, not a lecture, so we’ll be working on YOUR ICA, LIVE with the other folks.

I’m limiting it to 20 participants (7 registered already), and it’ll have a hi-attention, hi-impact VIP feel to it, so jump in while you can.

For the same reason, I’ve put a £17 ticket-price on it to filter out the less-than-serious.

I won’t be repeating it, and it won’t be recorded.

It’s now or never.

Stop misusing your skills and talents because you’re shouting at the traffic.

Nail your ICA in 90 minutes and leap into your glorious future.

Here’s the link to join before the other 13 seats are gone too


Love you lots

PS – If you already pre-registered, click here to secure your place

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