When did you last try anything new, not knowing if it’d work or not?
Yesterday’s Social Cocoon™ Workshop was an experiment.
Following a conversation with my mentor Mitch Miller a couple of weeks back, I decided to play around with the “social cocoon” idea first floated by US academics Greil and Rudy in 1984.
Could we apply the principles of a social cocoon to marketing a 21st century coaching or therapy business?
After the Friday workshop, I’m pretty sure we can, and we’ll be developing this more in the coming weeks and months.
Up to 52 of you joined the live session, and another 150-or-so will get to watch the recording over the weekend.
If you missed registering for the workshop, it’s not too late to get to watch it, plus some other goodies to help your tribe-building come to life.
Just click here to get registered, and we’ll make sure you get the full 90-minute recording.
Love you lots
Jonny & Lisa
PS: Happy weekend!