There is no doubt most of the developed world lives in relative poverty compared to what is possible.
And it’s not about inequality, or about the fabled 1% “having all the money”.
There is no “all the money”.
Money is in infinite supply, and just because someone has a lot, doesn’t mean anyone else has to make do with a little.
No, the real reason most people are broke is because they listen to the wrong people.
- Economists – did you ever see a billionaire economist?
- The media – did you ever see a headline saying “everything’s great – you’re gonna be rich!”?
- Their broke friends and family telling them to be careful and save
- Employers paying them just enough to make it to the next month
- The government telling them to tighten their belts
Reality: the economy is an illusion.
Successful people create their own economy. Do you think Bezos, Gates or Musk are concerned about a shortage of money?
They’re not and they never were, even before they got wealthy.
The scarcity mentality says when you make a ton of money, you’re taking it from someone else.
Develop an abundance mindset instead, and you’ll realise by getting rich, you’re helping everyone else to get rich too.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
Pro-tip, in summary:
Hang out with successful people, learn to solve a big problem for enough clients, and tap into abundance forever.