I was talking to a PTSD coach this morning who said it was weird how few people actually needed what he did – and yet he has a thriving practice making a nice living for himself.
To me, that’s not weird or even surprising. He’s simply done what many choose not to – he’s worked out who needs what he does, and gone out to find them, and be found by them.
If you’re looking to build a business out of your coaching superpower, you don’t need to win the popular vote.
Your campaign trail isn’t about shouting from the rooftops, laying waste to the opposition.
You don’t have to impress anyone, apart from the person you’ve identified as your ideal client.
It really doesn’t matter if half the world has no use for you.
In fact, it’s even better if 99{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} of the world has no use for you.
It makes the remaining one percent easier, quicker and cheaper to engage in conversation.
I’m betting you’ll have use for this: my FREE Facebook Group LIVE Masterclass on the 28th March from 13.00-1600 UK. It’ll give you all the tools you need to grow an organic lead-making machine on an hour a day. REGISTER HERE – and hurry. It’s building up to be quite an event, but places are limited and almost all gone.