
Official: You’re Not Going To Hell


Apparently, so said the Pope – bizarrely the head of the organisation that’s done more to promote eternal damnation than any other for centuries.

Whether or not His Holiness actually said that, or even what he really meant by it, is less important than the fact that this news was shared in pretty much every single newspaper, blog and social media site on the planet within hours.

The elements of this story – this headline – which made it so irresistible include:

  • It beggars belief
  • It teases you to read more
  • It’s quirky
  • It seems controversial and important
  • It’s humorous to most people

Imagine if you could write content that ticked all those boxes.

Oh wait, you can.

This week is CONTENT WEEK in Jonny Hates Marketing, and I’ll be posting, emailing and generally pestering you with a ton of stuff so you can create compelling stories that will make people love you and buy from you.

Keep watching, and I can guarantee you’ll be able to write HEAVENLY content by the weekend, and I don’t need a papal blessing to say that.


PS – Writing irresistible posts that engage, amuse and impress is a key part of my Facebook Groups Masterclass on the 25th April, where I’ll be showing you ALL the secrets of building a compelling FB Group like Jonny Hates Marketing. NB – It’s not a webinar, it’s an interactive class where we’ll be working LIVE on your FB Group. Register here, and hurry, it’s almost full. 

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