Personal Branding 101

I was interviewing British wellness coach Skip Archimedes this morning, and he exuded health, vitality and purpose. He was in his apartment on the Gold Coast, and about to leave for a speaking tour of the Philippines.

It’s good to have a reminder of what a great personal brand looks like, but life’s not always been amazing for Skip, and he’s created his awesome business against the odds.

His teachings are based around his self-named 10 Commandments 4 Health, and Skip’s uncontroversial when he states that you can’t enjoy life fully unless you’re fit and healthy. He’s cured many of his students of obesity, diabetes and heart issues, and he claims his super-hydrated, oxygenated, vegan lifestyle has made his own longevity much more likely.

I thought you’d like to know how he’s got to be a published author with a global lifestyle, charging premium rates for retreats and courses, so I asked him. Here’s what he said:

  • He found something he truly believes in
  • He’s on a mission to help as many people as he can
  • He doesn’t do it for the money, and never has.

How many of those three apply to what you’re doing?

Author: Jonny

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