This thought from Monique DeBose resonated with me yesterday:
“With COVID, Mother Nature has basically told us to go sit in our rooms and think about what we’ve been doing to each other and to the planet.”
As a coach or therapist, you have a real chance to improve the lives of your clients, and thereby create a trickle-down effect on the whole of humanity.
But I believe the most critical skill you need to develop right now is not connected to your delivery.
You’re probably already an expert in your field.
No, it’s much more likely that you’re falling short on visibility.
You can’t find enough of your clients, and they can’t find you.
And that’s a criminal waste of your glorious talents, at a time when the world needs you more than ever.
My mission is to improve the financial health of one million coaches and therapists around the world by 2025.
I’m doing this by demonstrating simple, sustainable and scalable organic client attraction strategies.
Are you taking this pandemical chance to think about how you can step up to a global stage?
PS: To celebrate Monique’s thought-provoking quote above, I’m opening up a handful of spaces this week for a 30-minute personal strategy call with me.
Normally £295, you can book one at no cost to you with my compliments if you’re ready to meet the obligations and opportunities in these unprecedented times.
If you’re up for that, reply with “Hell yeah!” and I’ll send you a booking link.