Smart referrals

Like with most things in business, there is a smart way and a hard way to ask for, and get, referrals.

Here’s the smart way, asked when you’ve just finished a transformational session with your client:

“Who’s the wealthiest person you can think of right now who would benefit most from what we’ve done today?” 

What makes that sentence so smart then?

  1. It’s asked at the PMS – Point of Maximum Excitement” – when your client is most enamoured of you.
  2. You’ve ensured they think of someone who can afford what you do – usually wealthier than them, too.
  3. You’ve asked them for ONE person, not a vague “do you know anyone?”.
  4. You’ve pinned it down to “right now”, not “let me know when you think of anyone”.
  5. “Benefit most” demonstrates your need for an ideal client, not just anyone.

When a client of mine in real estate mind-coaching used that exact question, he got introduced to 3 multi-millionaires in one week.

Now there’s smart.  


PS – Here’s something else pretty smart. I’ve opened up the waitlist to the JHM Inner Circle, a closed VIP community of coaches, trainers and therapists serious about building their thriving practice. The Inner Circle launches on the 6th September 2018, and the first 25 to register will get 50% reduction on the monthly subscription FOR LIFE.

To find out more and get on the list, REPLY to this email with #ICwaitlist.    

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