When we decide to create something new and valuable for you, we don’t mess around.
We’ve already got the legendary Client Attraction Blueprint, my super-exclusive guided small-group 12-week programme that’s been sold-out every month since March 2018.
And there’s the Client Attraction Academy, a stunning portal crammed with hundreds of hours of exclusive trainings and downloadable courses.
But you’ve been asking for some more accessible weekly trainings, with a simple monthly subscription, no contract, and no pressure to work to any kind of deadline.
So we listened, and took immediate action.
Last week, we asked you to pick a price for an all-new monthly membership to get access to those legendary weekly LIVE trainings called the Secret Sessions.
You chose £37 pm, you tightwad.
And just yesterday, we asked you to pick a name for this almost-for-nothing crazy deal.
You chose Client Attraction Network, you smartass.
So that’s agreed then.
Client Attraction Network.
Check it out today, and let me know what you think!
Love you lots
PS: We’re also giving you access to the Private Academy Facebook Group, so you can hang out with the other VIP coaches and therapists in our community.
Also PS: It won’t be this price for long, so grab it while you can.