The art of ethical sales

I don’t regard myself as any good at selling, in the old-fashioned, “hairy closer” sense of the word. 

Never have I twisted an arm, talked the hind legs off a donkey, or sold sand to an Arab.

In fact, I’ve been practicing the art of ethical selling so long, that it’s rubbing off on my own clients in our Client Attraction Blueprint sessions.

We use a process I’ve called “Hard Helping”, which seems like the OPPOSITE of hard sell, but it’s getting fabulous results:

  • An artist is asking potential purchasers “Where would you hang this picture in your house?”
  • Life coaches are asking their clients, “if we worked together, what would your dream result be?”
  • Therapists ask, “What would it be worth to feel like your old self again?”
  • Business consultants enquire, “How would an extra £50k on your bottom line change your life?”
  • PTs say, “If you were back to your ideal weight, what could you do that you can’t do now?”

When you put your clients into their perfect future, you create the perfect environment for them to buy from you NOW.

Then you’ll feel like the best salesperson in the world. 

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