The difference in you and me

I recently had a coach tell me that it was “alright for you Jonny”, but she didn’t have a following, or a Facebook Group, or a programme, or etc etc…

Here are some ways to reset that mindset:

  • Nobody starts out with a “following”, whatever that means anyway
  • Believing someone has a “special sauce” that you don’t, gives you an excuse to do nothing
  • It’s unproductive to compare yourself to others. Their journey is always different to yours
  • No-one is on a pedestal that’s too hard to reach for yourself
  • If you reverse-engineer what they’re doing, you can do it too!

As I said to my friend, the only difference in you and me is timing.

was where you are now 24 months ago.

So, I’m 2 years ahead of you, right now.

In 2 year’s time, the difference between you and me will be measured by the processes you’ve put in place, and the action you’ve taken.

Now, get to work and stop whining. 


PS – My Monday Masterclass season kicks off with a 60-minute LIVE session on the 16th @ 15.00 UK, all about Creating Content That Sells. Here’s where to register FREE, right now!

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