There are many ways to fail.
In fact, most worthwhile pursuits have a clearly defined RIGHT way to do them, outnumbered exponentially by imaginative yet ultimately fruitless other ways.
At best, and as my dear old dad was fond of reminding me, “there’s an easy way and a hard way to do this”.
Some examples:
Hard: Trying to appeal to everyone
Easy: Defining a singular ideal client
Hard: Selling your time by the hour
Easy: Delivering your services to groups
Hard: Trying to do everything yourself
Easy: Building a motivated team
Hard: Working on numerous things at once
Easy: Having a monomaniacal focus on ONE thing
Hard: Learning from your own mistakes
Easy: Learning from others already succeeding
And that last one is the NUMBER ONE failure trait.
Being surrounded by knowledgeable, expert mentors, and choosing to ignore them.
PS – Would you like to practically guarantee success in building your 6-figure business? I have space for FIVE inspired coaches or therapists to work on an affordable new project directly with me, launching in October. Reply with #OneOfFive and I’ll send you what I’m planning.
Pic credit: Moceanic