The ONE Thing You’re Missing

[And how I’m gonna fix it for you]

I’ve spent 7,800 hours working with online coaches and therapists, understanding and solving your single Biggest Marketing Blindspot.

Notice there’s no S on Blindspot.

You’re missing The One Big Thing.

Every time I meet a talented practitioner in my community, it’s the same story. Yep, there’s a single, simple solution to all your marketing woes hiding in plain sight.

When you see it, you’ll never unsee it, and you’ll kick yourself for not seeing it sooner.

If it wasn’t so tragic, it’d be mildly amusing.

Instead of drowning in a vortex of overwhelm, wildly grabbing onto every tool, platform and strategy you think might rescue your waterlogged dreams, there’s one lifeline guaranteed to save you from poverty, obscurity and crushing disappointment.

So what is this missing link, this Holy Grail, this Baywatch Babe willing and able to perform CPR on every barely-breathing corpse of a coaching or therapy venture?

I’ll tell you in a moment. First, know this.

For the last 60 days, I’ve been locked away in a virtual space-time vortex in the JHM war-room, debating exactly how I’m going to reveal this insanely simple ONE BIG THING so you can finally build a real business around helping people.

Late into the night, week-in, week-out since early January, I’ve been round the table with my graphic designer, my funnel manager and my own mentors, arguing over the best way to deliver the secret of my $1.4m goldmine.

  • Should we build a course? Is it two weeks, four weeks, a year?
  • Could it be a workshop? Is it live, virtual, or even both?
  • Shall I take you away to an exotic island and drop the gold over a week?
  • Why not record a video training for you to complete and implement at your own pace? lol
  • Or, should I just keep it to myself, smugly bullet-proofing my own success with every passing month?

Actually that last one was never really an option. Or was it?

Seriously, I decided NONE of the above is an option.

Yep, I’m not gonna build another course, programme, workshop or damn video training about this thing. EVER. I’m gonna break the mould, and do something I promised my dear old momma I’d never do.

I’m gonna DO IT FOR YOU.

Unbelievably, you can hire me this month to fix your biggest challenge myself.

“So c’mon Jonny, what is this? The One Big Thing you’ve teased me so eloquently about with these last 418 words?”

I’ll tell yuz:

It’s your positioning.

AKA: your ability to express what you do and who you do it for, continually and consistently, so you attract your ideal clients like fly paper attracts, err, flies.


Starting on the 18th March, I’ll write ALL your content on Facebook for 2 weeks including:

1: Your banner messaging and headlines
2: Ten engagement posts for your Group or profile
3: Three offer posts (in total) pitching whatever you want to sell most
4: Three wisdom posts (in total) showing your tribe what an authority you really are
5: You’ll have a template for life, so you never have to worry about content again
6: This’ll cost you a faintly ridiculous one-off £1,000. No strings.
Caveat – I’m only taking on ten people, so I can give you my full attention and not go crazy.

Simple, quick decision for you.

If you want me to write all your content for two whole weeks, shout “Do It For Me, For God’s Sake” on FB Messenger and I’ll fire you the link to freedom and abundance.

Any Questions?

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